Revelator 2012 S/S-The eye of the tiger tee

Revelator 2012 春夏以季節主題—勇於挑戰“The Courage to Challenge”為設計發想,使用精細手繪與美式文字排版的準確結合,表現老虎勇於挑戰一切的兇猛態度! 並以英文詩作“It's the eye of the tiger: it's thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our rivals. And the last known survivor will be winning the fight.And they're owing it all to the eye of the tiger.”對此款設計下了完美的註解。此款共分黑色、白色、麻花灰三色,。售價為NT.1100元,本週末上架於東區直營店 INVINCIBLE 與 NMR 旗下全省經銷店鋪上架販售。

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